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For Immediate Release: Contact:
Sunday, November 21, 2004 Corey Bearak
(718) 343-6779

Photos from Building Against Bias: Strengthening Relations - Know Your Neighbors - Meet Your Counterparts
Sponsored by District Attorney Richard Brown, Northeast Queens Jewish Community Council, NAACP Northeast Queens Branch, NYC Commission on Human Rights, Queens Civic Congress, Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty, Councilman David I. Weprin, Asian Americans for Equality at CUNY Law School

NAACP Northeast Queens Branch President Ken Cohen opens the program (Photo by Joe Levine)

Deputy Commissioner for Enforcement Avery Mehlman of the City's Human Rights Commission (Photo by Joe Levine)

Queens Assistant District Attorney Mariela Herring, chief of the office's Gang Violence and Hate Crimes Bureau (Photo by Joe Levine)

Community Leaders including NEQJCC delegate Rita Pasternak and FIrst Vice President Helene Zaro (Photo by Joe Levine)

Aaron Jackson, Vice Chairman, Grand Council of the Guardians; Jin k. Choi, Director of Community Relations, Advocacy and Community Education, Asian Americans for Equality; Katie Bracken, NYC Commission on Human Rights; Queens ADA Mariela Herring and Executive Assistant District Attorney Jesse Sligh; Ken Cohen, President, NAACP Northeast Queens Branch; Corey Bearak, Chairman of the Northeast Queens Jewish Community Council.  (Photo by Joe Levine)

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