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For Immediate Release: Contact:
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2006 Corey Bearak
(718) 343-6779


Jewish community organizations and agencies joined with local elected officials - including Councilman David Weprin, Senator Frank Padavan and Assemblyman Mark Weprin, to kick off the Second Annual "Fall Food Drive," Monday, September 18, 2006, at 1:00 at the Samuel Field Y, 58-20 Little Neck Parkway in Little Neck, announced Chairman Corey Bearak and President Jeff Gurdus of the Northeast Queens Jewish Community Council (NEQJCC), which organized the program. The month long drive runs through October 16. "We want to fight hidden hunger in the community," stated Mr. Bearak.

"As the largest regional Jewish community council in the Greater New York area, NEQJCC is proud to sponsor this program with the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty, Samuel Field/Bay Terrace Y, Parker Jewish Institute for Health Care and Rehabilitation, City Councilman David Weprin, State Senator Frank Padavan, and The Ambassador Yellow Pages" stated Mr. Gurdus. "We encourage donations of unopened non-perishable foods such as baby food, beans, pasta, rice, canned food at collection points through out northeast Queens -- including the Samuel Field Y -- and adjoining communities," said NEQJCC Executive Director Gail Eisenberg who organized participation. Mrs. Eisenberg noted the Council collected donations exceeding two tons last year.

"The Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty provides more than 2.5 million pounds of food to needy families every year. More than 12,000 families receive food packages from Met Council's Kosher Food Network each month. We could not provide this service without the kindness and compassion of our dedicated citywide network of Jewish Community Councils, like Northeast Queens JCC," said Met Council CEO William E. Rapfogel.

For Information call NEQJCC Executive Director Gail Eisenberg at (718) 225-6750 x247, or email Gail@northeastqueensjewish.org. Information about the NEQJCC and its members, including a community calendar may be viewed at www.northeastqueensjewish.org.

PHOTO CAPTION: Councilman David I. Weprin, Senator Frank Padavan, Assemblyman Mark Weprin, and Northeast Queens Jewish Community Council (NEQJCC) officers including Chair Corey Bearak kickoff the Second Annual �Fall Food Drive� sponsored by the Northeast Queens Jewish Community Council, Samuel Field/Bay Terrace Y, Parker Jewish Institute for Health Care and Rehabilitation, City Councilman David Weprin, State Senator Frank Padavan, and The Ambassador Yellow Pages. Left to right are NEQJCC Secretary Marilynne Vogel (holding granddaughter) and Vice President Corinne Steel, BBYO student volunteer and Executive Director Hali Herman, Ambassador Community Relations Director Jeff Gurdus, Y Executive Director Steve Goodman, Councilman David Weprin, Assembly Member Mark Weprin, NEQJCC Chair Corey Bearak, State Senator Frank Padavan, BBYO student volunteer, and NEQJCC Vice President Ethel Levine and Executive Director Gail Eisenberg. [Credit Photo to Joseph Levine, NEQJCC]


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