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For Immediate Release: Contact:
MONDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2007 Corey Bearak
(718) 343-6779


����������The Northeast Queens Jewish Community Council [NEQJCC] presents three Awards for Outstanding Service, including one to City Council Member James F. Gennaro who chairs the City Council's Environmental Protection Committee, at its Annual Installation and Awards Reception, 11:00 a.m., Sunday, October 28 at Bellerose Jewish Center, 254-04 Union Turnpike (one block east of Little Neck Parkway) in Floral Park, announced NEQJCC President Jeff Gurdus. State Senator Frank Padavan will install NEQJCC's officers, included Mr. Gurdus to a seventh term as President, reported Corey Bearak, chair of the NEQJCC's Executive Committee. The other honorees are Susan Friedman, Managing Director, Jewish Communal Network Commission, UJA-Federation of New York; and former Community School Board 26 President and NEQJCC delegate from Bellerose Jewish Center Jack Friedman who serves as Chief of Staff to City Council Finance Committee Chair David Weprin, who will serve as Master of Ceremonies. Hadassah National Vice President Dr. Sandra Alfonsi will present Rivka Fox Youth Awards to Benjamin Klein and Lindsay Cahn. NEQJCC Executive Director Gail Eisenberg thanked The Parker Jewish Institute for Health Care and Rehabilitation for it generous support for the reception.

����������In addition to Bearak [Temple Sholom], re-elected to a eleventh term, and Gurdus [Bellerose Jewish Center], Council officers include First Vice President Helene Zaro [Bell Park Jewish Center], Second Vice President Ethel Levine [Hillcrest Jewish Center], Third Vice President Corinne Steel [Marathon Jewish Community Center], Treasurer Herb Friedman [Jewish Center of Oak Hills], Secretary Marilynne Vogel [Congregation Ohr Moshe and Utopia Jewish Center] and Trustees Dr. Steven Goodman [Samuel Field Y] and Ron Shafran [Parker Jewish Institute for Health Care and Rehabilitation]. 

����������For further information, view the Council's www.northeastqueensjewish.org website or contact NEQJCC Executive Director Gail Eisenberg at (718) 225-6750 x247 or via email at NEQJCC@aol.com





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