Northeast Queens JCC Helps Teen Get Game [updated 2009-12-08] With help from a local business and an avid sports fan from Queens, the Northeast Queens Jewish Community Council (NEQJCC) helped grant a young teen her wish. NEQJCC chair Corey Bearak read the request for tickets to a Yankees game posted by Yisrael Markowitz on the �NYCShuls@yahoogroups.com� listserve on behalf of a teen facing �emotional turmoil�. With the assistance of Al Sirowitz, President of Community Partnership Referrals and Resources (CPRR), Bearak reached out to Queens resident Jeff Canova, a Sirowitz friend and season ticket holder. "Jeff Canova answered the NEQJCC's call promptly and arranged for Markowitz to pick up the tickets for the Tuesday, September 29 Yankees game," stated NEQJCC chair Bearak Bearak, who also works as CPRR's Executive Vice
President, lauded Canova as �a kind-hearted soul who often makes tickets available for the
less-advantaged.� Below find "Thank You" from the teen's mom's
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