Legislative Forum 2003 (March 30)
Michael Cohen, QJCC President Jan Fenster, Councilman David Weprin, District Attorney
Richard Brown, Speaker Gifford Miller, Senator Toby Stavisky, Councilman Leroy
Comrie, Borough President Helen Marshall, NEQJCC Chair Corey Bearak, Councilwoman Melinda Katz, Councilman
John Liu [Photo by Joe Levine]
Borough President
Helen Marshall flanked by NEQJCC President Jeff Gurdus and BP aide Susie Tanenbaum
[Photo by Joe Levine]
Borough President Helen Marshall addresses the forum
[Photo by Joe Levine]
Councilman David Weprin, who doubles as a NEQJCC VP, introducing Keynote Speaker Gifford Miller as Councilman Leroy Comrie looks on [Photo by Joe Levine]
Councilman John Liu,
Council Speaker Gifford Miller, Councilman Weprin, Assemblyman Michael Cohen, Borough President
Helen Marshall, Senator Frank Padavan & District Attorney Richard Attorney Brown [Photo
by Joe Levine]
David Weprin, Speaker Gifford Miller, Senator Toby Stavisky, Borough President
Helen Marshall [Photo by Joe Levine]
David Weprin, Speaker Gifford Miller, Councilman Leroy Comrie, Senator Toby Stavisky & District Attorney
Richard Brown (back to camera) [Photo by Joe Levine]
Councilwoman Melinda Katz addresses the
Councilman Leroy Comrie Addresses forum as
NEQJCC Chairman Corey Bearak looks on [Photo by Joe Levine]
Debbie Markell chats with Judge
Richard Brown & District Leader Chet Szarejko, at right is QJCC VP Bernice Spitzer
[Photo by Joe Levine]
District Attorney
Richard Brown, Speaker Gifford Miller, Senator Toby Stavisky, Borough President
Helen Marshall & Corey Bearak, chair of NEQJCC's Executive Committee [Photo
by Joe Levine]
District Attorney Richard Brown addresses the forum
[Photo by Joe Levine]
District Leaders Honey Miller & Chet Szarejko flank Councilman
David Weprin, Samuel Field Y Executive Director Steve Goodman & Senator
Frank Padavan as NEQJCC Treasurer Mike Karpinos (r) looks on [Photo by Joe
President Jeff Gurdus introduces the Council's officers as NEQJCC Chairman Corey Bearak & Councilman
Leroy Comrie look on [Photo by Joe Levine]
Richard Brown & Bloomberg aide Debbie Markell chat with Corey Bearak & Jan Fenster at pre-forum breakfast.
Also visible are treasurer Mike Karpinos (r), District Leader Henry McCoy and
Journalist/ Jewish activist Mike Nussbaum (l) [Photo by Joe Levine]
Mayoral aide Debbie Markell & District Attorney Brown with District Leaders
Henry McCoy (r) & Honey Miller (l), tribpixie Dee Richard (back to
camera) & Times-Ledger reporter Alex Davidson and Treasurer Mike Karpinos in background.
[Photo by Joe Levine]
QJCC President Jan Fenster
introduces her officers including NEQJCC Corey Bearak who also serves as
QJCC Executive VP [Photo by Joe Levine]
Senator Frank Padavan addresses the forum as
NEQJCC Chairman Corey Bearak looks on [Photo by Joe Levine]
Senator Toby Stavisky addresses the forum
[Photo by Joe Levine]
Speaker Gifford Miller
delivers the keynote address [Photo by Joe Levine]
Gifford Miller addresses forum [Photo by Joe Levine]
Gifford Miller, Councilman David Weprin, Assemblyman Michael Cohen & Borough President
Helen Marshall [Photo by Joe Levine]